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The Legend of San Pietro and The Onions

Where did it happen?

Basic Information:


The Legend of San Pietro and The Onions

The association between San Pietro and the onions comes from an old Legend of Isernia in which to save his mother from the hell, San Pietro sent down remains of a string of onions which she could cling to.

To the string however, clung also other souls too. The mother of the saint then for not allow other damned to cling to began to squirm. Doing so however they all broke the string and fell down into the flames.


What about Isernia?

Isernia is a small city and the third one city in the region of Molise after Campobasso and Termoli.


More info about the city of Isernia


More info about the Feasts and Events in Isernia


Map of Isernia


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