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Terme di Caracalla (Baths of Caracalla)
About Terme di Caracalla
The Baths of Caracalla (Terme di Caracalla) in Rome were Roman Public Baths or thermae built in Rome between AD 212 and 216, during the reign of the Emperor Caracalla. The baths remained in use until the 6th century when the complex was taken by the Ostrogoths during the Gothic War, at which time the hydraulic installations were destroyed.
More about the History of Terme di Caracalla.
For over seventy years The Bath of Caracalla has been in the hearts of not only Romans but tourists alike that take home wonderful memories of performances set up in a magical frame of antiquity. It was the year 1937 when the Teatro dell'Opera (Theater of the Opera) set up its summer season at the Caracalla Baths for the first time: as the monumental archeological site becomes a stage.
Check if there are spectacles in the Teatro dell'Opera (Theater of the Opera).
Opening Hours
January 2 - February 15: 8.30 am - 4.30 pm
February 16 to March 15: 8.30 am - 5.00 pm
March 16 - last Saturday of March: 8.30 am - 5.30 pm
Last Sunday of March - August 31: 8.30 am - 7.15 pm
September 1 to September 30: 8.30 am - 7.00 pm
October 1 - last Saturday of October: 8.30 am - 6.30 pm
Last Sunday of October - December 31: 8.30 am - 4.30 pm
Last admission 1 hour before closing time.
Closed: January 1, December 25.
It is situated on the part South of Colosseum. The area of Terme Caracalla is not just close to the Colosseum but you could have a nice walk going there via one of the following streets:
- Go to Via Claudia, Via della Navicella, then going on the right, Via Druso and you will find remains just on the other side of San Sisto Vecchio.
- Go to Via di San Grigorio, then of the left Viale delle Terme di Caracalla while you see the remains.
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 52, Roma
Metro: Linea B stop Circo Massimo
Bus: n. 760, n. 628
☎ +39 06 39967700 (from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 14.00 to 17.00 from Monday to Friday, Saturday from 9.00 to 13.00)
Official office - Buy Tickets Online
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Map of Terme di Caracalla
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