The Cathedral of Urbino ๑ Duomo di Urbino ๑ Urbino ๑ Marche ๑ Italy ๑ travel ๑ map ๑ info ๑ what to see in ๑ how to go to ๑ opening hours ๑ address ๑ advices ๑ curiosity ๑ recipes ๑ accommodation ๑ photos
The Cathedral (Duomo di Urbino)
About Urbino
Basic Information:
Duomo di Urbino
The Cathedral (Duomo di Urbino) is a Cathedral founded in 1021 over a 6th century religious edifice. The 12-th century plan was turned 90 degrees from the current one which is a new construction also started by Federico II and commissioned to Francesco di Giorgio Martini - the author of the Ducal Palace. Finished only in 1604 the Duomo di Urbino had a simple plan with a nave and two aisles and was destroyed by an earthquake in 1789. The church was again rebuilt by the Roman architect Giuseppe Valadier, the works lasting until 1801. The new church has a typical neo-classicist appearance with a majestic dome. It houses a San Sebastian from 1557 an Assumption by Carlo Maratta (1701) and the famous Last Supper by Federico Barocci (1603–1608).
Opening Hours
Weekdays and holidays:
From 7.30 to 13.00
From 14.00 to 20.00
Free admission.
Urbino, Marche, Italy
☎ +39 347 671 11 81; +39 333 600 87 95
Web Site: Official Web Site
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Map of Duomo di Urbino
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