Lombardia ๑ Italy ๑ travel ๑ map ๑ info ๑ what to see in ๑ how to go to ๑ opening hours ๑ address ๑ advices ๑ curiosity ๑ recipes ๑ accommodation ๑ photos
About Lombardia
Basic Information:
- Region: Lombardia
- Region Center: Milano
- Zona: North Italy, on the border with Switzerland
- Provinces: 12 - Bergamo, Brescia, Como, Cremona, Lecco, Lodi, Milano, Mantova, Monza e della Brianza, Pavia, Sondrio, Varese
- Municipalities: 1.546
- Surface: 23 860 km ²
- Population: 9 973 386 (by 30/09/2011)
What to see in Lombardia?
Choice the places to see in Lombardia here or from the menu on the left:
- Milano
- Bergamo
- Brescia
- Como
- Cremona
- Lecco
- Lodi
- Mantova
- Monza e della Brianza
- Pavia
- Sondrio
- Varese
How to go to Lombardia?
Lombardia is very easy reachable by Airplane, Train, Bus, Car.
For more information take a look at the main city you would like to visit.
Accommodation, Hotels, Rooms, Bed and Breakfast, Agritourism and More
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Map of Lombardia
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