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Regional Park of Delta of Po
(Parco Regionale Veneto del Delta del Po)
About the Regional Park of Delta of River Po
Basic Information:
- City: Venezia (Venice)
- Region: Veneto
- Province: Rovigo
- Municipality: Rosolina, Porto Viro, Loreo, Adria, Papozze, Ariano nel Polesine, Corbola, Taglio di Po, Porto Tolle
- Zona: North-East Italy
The Delta of River Po is a beautiful land still largely unknown, to discover slowly, finding the sweetness of the landscape, the warm and rough of the lodges, the emotion of the bridges of boats, the mystery of the thick reeds, the vast horizons , the activities in the valleys, lagoons and gardens, to the charm of the mouth and extreme stalls, strips of fine sand in continuity with the Adriatic Sea.
The Regional Park of delta of Po is a protected area in the area of the Delta of River Po, Veneto, Italy.
It extends from the Po di Goro up to the Adige River and it is including the territory of the 9 municipalities: Rosolina, Porto Viro, Loreo, Adria, Papozze, Ariano in the Delta of Po, Corby, Cuttack, Porto Tolle, all in the province of Rovigo, with a total population of approximately 73,000 residents within the park boundaries.
The Regional Park of Delta of Po is part of the Interregional Park of Delta of Po including also The Regional Park of Delta of Po in Emilia Romagna.
The park was established by L.R. 8 September 1997, n.36.
The area of Delta of River Po is given by the progressive deposition of debris from the River Po and this is happening in a long period of time. As a result the coastline is in a progressive shifting inside the Adriatic Sea.
The Park of the Delta of Po has the largest extent of wetlands protected in Italy. The flora is extremely different and it includes a thousand different species (thanks to the variety of environments that includes the Park). The same is true for the fauna (over 400 different species of mammals, reptiles, amphibians and fishes).
The presence of birds is so important (over 300 species, nesting and wintering) so why the Delta of Po is one of the most important ornithological area in Italy and one of the most famous in Europe for birdwatching enthusiasts.
Among amphibians deserve a mention the presence of rare Pelobates Fuscus.
Main office:
Parco Regionale Veneto del Delta del Po
Via Marconi, 6 - 45012 Ariano nel Polesine (RO)
? 0426 372202; Fax +39 0426 373035
Web Site: Official Site
From Monday to Fraiday: 9.00 - 13.30
And in Tuesday and Thursday also: 15.00 - 17.30
Information points in the Park
Museo Regionale della Bonifica
Loc. Ca' Vendramin
Tel. 0426/81219 0426/349711 (from April to October, Monday closed)
Centro Turistico Culturale San Basilio di Ariano nel Polesine
Via S. Basilio - Loc. San Basilio
Tel. 0426/71200 - Fax 0426/372095
Tourist information points
Office I.A.T. di Rovigo
Via J.H. Dunant
Tel. 0425 386290; Fax 0425 386270
Office I.A.T. di Rosolina Mare
Viale dei Pini, 4
Tel. 0426 68012; Fax 0426 326007
Consorzio fra le Pro Loco del Delta Polesano
P.zza Matteotti, 1
Loc. Contarina di Porto Viro
Tel. & Fax 0426 631778
Pro Loco di Adria
Piazza Bocchi
Tel. 0426 21675
Pro Loco di Porto Tolle
L.go Europa
Tel. 0426 81150; Fax 0426 380584
Pro Loco di Taglio di Po
Piazza Venezia, 3
Tel. & Fax 0426 346369
CARD di Rosolina
S.S. Romea, Via Venezia, 67
Tel. 0426 337824; Fax 0426 339000
TravelMapItaly Advices
- Going to Venice or in holidays in the Adriatic Sea in this area don't miss to go and visit The Regional Park of Delta of Po.
- For the newest and more information about the touristic centers and opened hours of the Regional Park of Delta of Po check on the Official site of Parco Regionale del Delta del Po.
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Map of Regional Park of Delta of Po
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