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Duomo di Milano
About Duomo di Milano
Basic Information:
The Milan Cathedral Santa Maria Nascente - Duomo di Milano is a monument symbol of the region Lombardia.
It is located in the square Piazza del Duomo in the city center of Milano. With its area the Cathedral of Milano is the fourth largest church in Europe, after San Pietro in Vatican, Saint Paul's in London and the Seville Cathedral in Siviglia. It is the most important church of the Archdiocese of Milan and it is the seat of the Parish of Santa Tecla in Milan Cathedral.
In the place where the Duomo stands once stood the ancient cathedral of Santa Maria Maggiore - the Winter Cathedral of Milano, and the Basilica of Santa Tecla - the Summer cathedral. After the collapse of the tower, Archbishop Antonio de 'Saluzzi supported by the population, promoted the reconstruction of a new and larger cathedral (12 May 1386), which arose on the site of the oldest religious heart of the city. For the new building began to break down both previous churches: Santa Maria Maggiore was demolished first, Santa Tecla later, in 1461-1462 (partly rebuilt in 1489 and finally demolished in 1548).
More info about Duomo di Milano
TravelMapItaly Advices
Today the Milan Cathedral Santa Maria Nascente - Duomo di Milano is one of the most beautiful on the world. Similar to Sagrada Famiglia in Barcelona, Duomo di Milano has its own unique look and beauty. The Cathedral of Milano should be seen as outside as inside to appreciate it.
Do not miss it to see!
Opening Hours
The Cathedral:
From Monday to Sunday: 7.00 - 19.00
The Terraces:
From Monday to Sunday: 9.00 - 21.30
The Terraces are closed on Christmas Day and May 1st.
Duomo Treasure:
From Monday to Friday: 9.30 - 17.30
Saturday: 9.30 – 17.00
Sunday and Holidays: 13.30 – 15.30
Closed during all liturgical celebrations.
Baptistery of San Giovanni alle Fonti:
From Monday to Sunday: 9.30 - 17.30
Only the Cathedral of Milano Santa Maria Nascente has a free admission.
If you wish to see all in Duomo di Milano it is recommended to buy a combined ticket.
Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo di Milano
Via Arcivescovado, 1
20122 - Milano, Italy
☎ +39 02 72 023 375; +39 02 72 022 656
Fax: + 39 02 72 022 419
E-mail: ;
Web Site: Official Web Site
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