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Palazzo Madama

About Palazzo Madama

The origins of Palazzo Madama in Turin are dated from the I Century d.C. The history of the building at the center of Piazza Castello began in Roman times. On the foundations of today's palace opened one of the ancient entrances to the city of Augusta Taurinorum: it is the eastern gateway consists of two towers of sixteen sides, that framed four arched entrances, two central and two side tanks for pedestrians. Its size and shape were similar to those of the Porta Palatina (Palatine Gate) to the north of the city. Going to the Library and the exit you could still see the remains of the Roman wall.

The first documents of the Palace are dated from 1290-99. The maintenance work documented by reports of the official Fredericus Loyra attest the existence of a defense structure "Castrum", incorporated into the Roman Gate. It is already a decade before even mentioning the treaty of cession of the city that the Giulielmo of Monferrato is forced to conclude with Thomas of Savoy in 1280.

In 1297 Prince Filippo I chose Pinerolo as a privileged residence for the court of Acaia and prefer to use the Palazzo Madama as the seat of Turin for military and diplomatic rather than as a residence of character courteous.

During the years Palazzo Madama were used on different way and for different exhibition. In nowadays the palace is used for mainly for exhibitions and events. So why going to Torino you always will find something new to visit and see.


Opening Hours


From Tuesday to Saturday: 10.00 - 18.00

Sunday: 10.00 - 20.00

Free admission the first Tuesday of the month (if working).

The ticket office closes one hour earlier.

Closed on Monday.


Staircase and Medieval Court

Tuesday-Saturday 9.00 - 19.00

Sunday 9.00 - 20.00

Free Entrance

Closed on Monday.



10122 Torino, Piazza Castello

Tel. 011 4429911; Fax 011 4429929



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Map of Palazzo Reale, Torino


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