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Basilica of Santa Chiara of Assisi

About Basilica of Santa Chiara of Assisi

Basic Information:


The Basilica of Santa Chiara di Assisi got the name by its Santa Chiara. The crypt which now houses the tomb of the saint was carried out only in 1850. From 2000 The Basilica of Santa Chiara together with the Basilica of San Francesco and the other Franciscan sites in Assisi is on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

The church was built, after the death of Santa Chiara, between 1257 and 1265, around the ancient Church of San Giorgio, which until 1230 had preserved the mortal remains of St. Francesco. The remains of the saint were transferred as early as 1260, while the solemn consecration took place in 1265 in the presence of Clement IV.

Basilica di Santa Chiara is situated on one of the part of the Piazza Santa Chiara, where you can have a beautiful view down from the hill of Assisi. Behind the Basilica Santa Chiara is located the omonim Monastery of Santa Chiara.


Opening Hours

Daily office hours:

From 06.30 to 12.00 & From 14.00 to 19.00


From 06.30 to 12.00 & From 14.00 - 18.00



06081 Assisi, Perugia, Italy

Piazza Santa Chiara, 1

Convento di Santa Chiara

☎ +39 075 81 22 16;  Fax: +39 075 81 86 23

Web Site: Official Web Site



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Map of Basilica of Santa Chiara


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