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The Roman Theater of Volterra

About the Roman

The Roman Theater in Volterra was unearthed in the fifties from archaeological excavations in the town of Vallebuona E. Fiumi.

The monument is dated to the late I-st century BC and its construction was financed by the wealthy family of Volterra Caecina. The theater was partially excavated in the natural slope of an elevation, in analogy to the Greek theater. At the end of the third century, the theater was abandoned in the vicinity of the stage was installed a thermal plant. In the medieval city walls encompass the closing wall of the upper part of the steps.

The remains of ancient buildings are currently within the archaeological visit. It is accessible from the upper region just outside Porta Fiorentina and is used (although rarely) in the summer for theater.

Roman Theater Volterra held an Annual International Festival artistically directed by Simone Migliorini, each year are also awarded "Ombra della Sera" prizes to the most important people of the spectacle.


Opening Hours

From 2 November to 15 March: 10:00 to 16:00 - Saturday, Sunday and holidays (except 25/12 and 01/01)

From 16 March to 1 November: 10:30 to 17:30 - every day

The ticket is valid also for the Etruscan acropolis.



Piazza Caduti Martiri dei Lager Nazisti

56048 Volterra (PI)

Tel: 345 60 26 270


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