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Palazzo Reale

About Palazzo Reale

Without doubts this is the first place that you should visit in Torino. It was a residence of the King Family Savoya before they move to Roma, the capital city of Italy.

In 1563, with the transfer of the capital of the duchy from Chambéry to Turin, Emanuele Filiberto launched of a process of urban transformation focused on fortifying the city and the achievement of their residence. This was initially established in the Bishop's Palace, at the Cathedral of San Giovanni, but soon plans to build a new factory (facing the Palazzo Vecchio, the current Senate), which is conceived in its strong connotation of urban Ascanio Vittozzi summoned to the court by the new Duke Charles Emmanuel I in 1584. Precise the suggestions in the Roman architectural design Vittozzi made so rapidly that in 1586 it concluded a contract for the facade (resolved with ashlar diamond) and work simultaneously on the ramparts, which has been preserved, almost unchanged in its architectural substance, The Garittone.

In the early seventeenth century it is defined the arrangement of curtains overlooking the square, settled by arcade buildings with uniform facades, on the opposite side of the Grand Gallery that connected the Palace and the Castle. After the death of Vittozzi and during the regency of Christine of France, the site is occupied by Charles Castellamonte and then by Charles Morello, which implements, among other things, the "bleaching" of the front and start the construction of the Pavilion for exhibition of the The Holy Shroud (Il Sacro Sindone): it defines the space of so-called "royal square" that the thirties of the nineteenth century will be defined by the gate of the palace still exists.

In these years there shall be furnishing the rooms of parade on the first floor, on the side facing the square. Rich wooden ceiling carved and gilded, the work of the specialists from family Botto. The dominant theme of the decoration, in keeping with the inclusion of large allegorical paintings, whose subjects extolling the virtues of the sovereign in an iconographic program dictated Emanuele Tesauro rhetorician by the court.

The decoration and interior decoration testify to the succession of the many artists who worked there from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century. Walking up to the grand staircase of Domenico Ferri, 1864-1865, decorated by nineteenth-century paintings and statues, with the exception of the monument to Victor Amadeus I, we reach the first floor, where the visit begins.

There are many of interesting rooms waiting for you to be discovered as Hall of Swiss's (Salone degli Svizzeri), The Gallery of the Bathles (Galleria delle Battaglie), The Stears of Scissors (La scala delle Forbici), Hall of cuirassiers or Dignity (Sala dei corazzieri o delle Dignità), Throne Room (Sala del Trono), Chinese Cabinet (Gabinetto Chinese), Dancing Hall (Sala da Ballo) as many other rooms but don't miss to see the small well designed cot of the royal family (something that you could not see in every palace).

After the tour of the palace you can go, relax and enjoy the nice garden of the castle well decorated with fountains and flowers.



That sometimes there are some works in progress on the palace and it is possible some rooms are closed for works. Howsoever some parts will be opened and you should know that the furniture and other things from the rooms will be there.



It was discovered that all nice beautiful ornaments under the roof was made by pressed paper and not by gypsum.

How it was discovered?

By the fire accident happened there not so far in the last century.


Opening Hours

Open from Tuesday to Sunday

from 8.30 to 19.30

With guided tours to groups (last tour at 18.15).

Free visit on first floor entrance: € 6.50

Reservations are required for groups and schools.

Free admission for children under 18 and those over 65 years.

Admission reduced by 50% for young people aged between 18 and 25 years.

Prices may vary according to events, please call for confirmation.

Closed:  Monday, 15 August, Easter, New Year's Day, May 1st and Christmas Day



10122 Torino, Piazzetta Reale

Tel.: +39 011 4361455;   Fax: +39 011 4361557


Official Web Site


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