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Events and Feasts in Isernia

Where is Isernia?

Basic Information:


Events and Feasts in Isernia

There are several Events and Feasts in Isernia during the year. Choice that one you are interested to go there by this time.

For more information about the Events and Feasts in Isernia check always the official site of the Municipality of Isernia.


List of the Events and Feasts in Isernia:

  • Feast of Saints Cosmas and Damian
  • The Fair of Onions
  • Feast of St. Anthony
  • National Fair of the White Truffle of Molise
  • Festival of the Unity
  • The Italian Authors Song
  • September Isernia


The Fair of the Onions

The Fair of the Onions is linked to the celebrations of Saints Peter and Paul. This Fair is the most important for the city of Isernia and it is held on 28 and 29 June.

The Fair has an ancient origin (the first evidence dates back to the fifteenth century). It was established initially to facilitate trade of onion of the local producers in Isernia.

Today the Fair of the Onions become a very varied and busy fair but they are still the typical banquet with the onion in Isernia. Once the place of the Fair was in the current Park of Remembrance, so called Largo delle Cipolle. Then it was expanded to the north of the city on Corso Risorgimento, and just recently the Fair was moved on the main street of the city Corso Garibaldi.

With the passage of time the Fair of Onions has lost its original function, which was to facilitate the trade of onion. At present, most of the stalls used for the sale of this product has been replaced by generic type fittings, which you can find in any other fair or Italian markets.


Curiosity about Fair of the Onions in Isernia

There is one curious Legend about San Pietro and the Onions. Take a look at it to see what do they have in common.

The Legend about San Pietro and the Onions


How to go to Isernia?

See here how to go to Isernia.


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